Frontiers in life science
作者:研究生会学术部   时间:2019-09-17  

报告题目:Combining targeted AP-MS with phosphoproteome analysis maps the TOR/SnRK1 signaling pathway in plants.

报告人:Prof. Geert De Jaeger

时间:9:30,Sep 19th



  Geert De Jaeger, Professor, Department of Plant Systems Biology in VIB institute(Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie), Ghent University,Belgium.

   He leads the Functional Interactomics Group. His research team develops interatomic tools for plants research, more specifically for the discovery of protein-protein interactions and interactions between proteins and nucleic acids. In the past decades, nearly 100 articles wrote by him and his colleagues were published in top journals, such as Nature, Science, PNAS, Nature Plants , Molecular Systems Biology. In recent years , his interest turned to the TOR/SnRK1 protein complexes and how plant growth relies on nutrient availability and beneficial environmental conditions.

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