作者:   时间:2023-06-15  
  • 科研机构名称:山东老员工态保护与修复研究中心

  • 科研机构负责人:尹伟伦院士

  • 科研机构概况:






    国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于生境多样性与多维度生物多样性级联调控的黄河三角洲生态系统多功能性驱动机制,No. 31970347,2020.01-2023.12

    国家自然科学基金青年项目, 芦苇生态策略的地理变异及适应性进化机制研究, No. 32100304, 2022.01-2024.12


    山东省自然科学基金面上项目, 印度梨形孢(Piriformospora indica)和双色蜡蘑(Laccaria bicolor)对黄河三角洲造林树种耐盐性的作用机制研究, No. ZR2020MC035, 2021.01-2023.12

    山东省自然科学基金青年项目, 非固氮与固氮豆科植物叶片延绿及氮磷利用策略, No. ZR2022QC077, 2023.01-2025.12

    山东省自然科学基金青年项目, 芦苇不同生态型的系统发育关系及种群遗传学研究, No. ZR2021QC119, 2022.01- 2024.12

    自然资源部渤海海峡生态通道野外科学观测研究站开放基金,黄河口盐沼湿地典型植物的根际效应及其对土壤碳循环的影响, No. BH202202, 2022.07-2024.06

    自然资源部渤海生态预警与保护修复重点实验室, 开放基金, 黄河三角洲滨海湿地群落演替对生态系统碳储量的驱动效应, No. 2022201, 2022.05-2024.05

    57365线路检测中心官网国际科研合作种子基金,气候变化对滨海湿地植被的级联影响:从植物功能性状到生态系统多功能性,No. SD202015,2020.01-2024.12

    横向课题,山东半岛北6号海上风电项目鸟类生态环境现状调查与影响分析,  2019.09-2022-09横向课题,山东泰山-徂徕山生物多样性保护优先区域生态系统调查与评估,2022.08-2022.12


    Chen Haonan, Zhao Mingming, Qi Luyu , Sun Xinke , Li Qiang , Liu Xiao, Wang Ning , Zwiazek Janusz, Zhang Wenqing , Guo Weihua, Wang Renqing, Zhang Fengyu, Du Ning. Shading reduced the compensation and enhancement effects of soil nutrition on the growth of cotyledon-damaged Quercus acutissima seedlings, Plant and Soil, 2023, 482: 665-678

    Liu Lele, Yiming Wu, Meiqi Yin, Xiangyan Ma, Xiaona Yu, Xiao Guo, Ning Du, Eller Franziska, Guo Weihua. Soil salinity, not plant genotype or geographical distance, shapes soil microbial community of a reed wetland at a fine scale in the Yellow River Delta. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 856: 159136

    Wang Jingfeng, Guo Xiao, Brahney Janica, Xu Zhenwei, Hu Yi, Sheng Wenyi, Chen Yanni, Li Mingyan, Guo Weihua. Growth of grasses and forbs, nutrient concentration, and microbial activity in soil treated with microbeads. Environmental Pollution, 2023, 324: 121326.

    Liu Lele, Yin Meiqi, Guo Xiao, Wang Jingwen, Cai Yunfei, Wang Cui, Yu Xiaona, Du Ning, Brix Hans, Eller Franziska, Lambertini Carla, Guo Weihua. Cryptic lineages and potential introgression in a mixed‐ploidy species (Phragmites australis) across temperate China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2022, 60(2): 398-410.

    Hu Yi, Xu Zhenwei, Li Mingyan, Croy Jordan R, Zhang Zhongyi, Li Haimei, Guo Weihua, Jiang Xiaolei, Lu Huicui, Guo Xiao. Increasing soil heterogeneity strengthens the inhibition of a native woody plant by an invasive congener. Plant and Soil, 2022, 481(1): 677-690

    Li Mingyan, Guo Xiao, Zhao Song, Liu Lele, Xu Zhenwei, Du Ning, Weihua Guo. Robinia pseudoacacia seedlings are more sensitive to rainfall frequency than to rainfall intensity. Forests, 2022, 13: 762

    Song Huijia, Guo Xiao, Liu Lele, Xu Zhenwei, Wang Ning, Liu Xiao, Du Ning, Weihua Guo. Role of DNA methylation in ecophysiological responses to salinity in natural populations of Phragmites australis from coastal and inland habitats. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022, 9: 980695

    Wu Yiming, Liu Lele, Yin Meiqi, Weihua Guo. Phylogenetic relationship and soil salinity shape intraspecific trait variability of Phragmites australis in the Yellow River Delta. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022, 9: 980695

    Xu Zhenwei, Guo Xiao, Allen Warwick J, Li Mingyan, Guo Weihua. Native tree root exudates promote tolerance of simulated herbivory of an invasive tree via altered functional traits. Plant and Soil, 2022, 479(1): 389-404

    Yin Meiqi, Liu Lele, Wu Yiming , Sheng Wenyi, Ma Xiangyan, Du Ning, Zhu Pengcheng, Wang Cui, Cui Zhaojie, Brix Hans, Eller Franziska, Guo Weihua. Effects of litter species and genetic diversity on plant litter decomposition in coastal wetland. Ecological indicators, 2022, 144(2022): 109439

    Yu Qing, Wang Haijun, Liu Miao, Xu Chao, Ma Yu, Weihua Guo, Jeppesen Erik. Interactive effects of benthivorous fish disturbance and ammonium loading on two submersed macrophytes of contrasting growth forms based on a mesocosm study. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10: 1024524

    Zhu Pengcheng, Yang Shuren, Wu Yuxin, Ru Yuning, Yu Xiaona, Wang Lushan, Weihua Guo. Shifts in soil microbial community composition, function, and co-occurrence network of Phragmites australis in the Yellow River Delta. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2022, 13: 858125.  

    Zhu Pengcheng, Wu Yuxin, Ru Yuning, Hou Yihang, Kim Woon San, Y Xiaona, Guo Weihua. Industrial-scale aerobic composting of livestock manures with the addition of biochar : Variation of bacterial community and antibiotic resistance genes caused by various composting stages. Environmental Pollution, 2022, 314: 120270.  

    Liu Lele, Wang Jingwen, Ma Xiangyan, Li Mingyan, Guo Xiao, Yin Meiqi, Cai Yunfei, Yu Xiaona, Du Ning, Wang Renqing, Guo Weihua. Impacts of the Yellow River and Qingtongxia Dams on genetic diversity of Phragmites australis in Ningxia Plain, China. Aquatic Botany, 2021, 169: 103341

    Liu Lele, Yin Meiqi, Guo Xiao, Yu Xiaona, Song Huijia, Eller Franziska, Ma Xiangyan, Liu Xiao, Du Ning, Wang Renqing, Guo Weihua. The river shapes the genetic diversity of common reed in the Yellow River Delta via hydrochory dispersal and habitat selection. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 764(1): 144382.

    Song Huijia, Eller Franziska, Guo Xiao, Jespersenb Emil, Ye Siyuan, Guo Weihua. Foreseeing reed invasions: European genotypes of common reed (Phragmites australis) grow equally well in China as in their native environment and show similar performance as native Chinese genotypes. Aquatic Botany, 2021, 172, 103398

    Song Huijia, Guo Xiao, Yu Xiaona, Liu Lele, Wang Ning, Eller Franziska, Guo Weihua. Is there evidence of local adaptation of Phragmites australis to water level gradients and fluctuation frequencies? Science of the Total Environment 2021, 756: 144065

    Song Huijia, Jespersen Emil, Guo Xiao, Du Ning, Xie Liujuan, Pei Lixin, Ye Siyuan, Wang Renqing, Brix Hans, Eller Franziska, Guo Weihua. Differences in relative air humidity affect responses to soil salinity in freshwater and salt marsh populations of the dominant grass species Phragmites australis. Hydrobiologia, 2021, 756: 1~17.

    Wang Cui, Wang Tong, Yin Meiqi, Franziska Eller, Liu lele, Brix Hans, Guo Weihua. Transcriptome Analysis of Tetraploid and Octoploid Common Reed (Phragmites australis). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12, 653183

    Wang Xiao, Guo Xiao, Du Ning, Guo Weihua. Pang Jiayin, Rapid nitrogen fixation contributes to a similar growth and photosynthetic rate of Robinia pseudoacacia supplied with different levels of nitrogen, Tree Physiology, 2021, 41(1): 177-189.

    Xu Zhenwei, Guo Xiao, Caplan Joshua S., Li Mingyan, Guo Weihua. Novel plant soil feedbacks drive adaption of invasive plants to soil legacies of native plants under nitrogen deposition. Plant and Soil, 2021, 467: 47-65

    Gao Yufei, Liu Lele, Zhu Pengcheng, Yang Shuren, Guo Weihua, Yu Xiaona. Patterns and dynamics of the soil microbial community with gradual vegetation succession in the Yellow River Delta, China. Wetlands, 2021, 41(1): 9

    Yi Shijie, Wu Pan, Peng Xiqiang, Bai Fenghua, Gao Yanan, Zhang Wenxin, Du Ning, Guo Weihua. Functional identity enhances aboveground productivity of a coastal saline meadow mediated by Tamarix chinensis in Laizhou Bay, China. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10: 5826

    Yi Shijie, Wu Pan, Peng Xiqiang, Tang Zhiyao, Bai Fenghua, Sun Xinke, Gao Yanan, Qin Huiying, Yu Xiaona, Wang Renqing, Du Ning, Guo Weihua. Biodiversity, environmental context and structural attributes as drivers of aboveground biomass in shrublands at the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River basin. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 744: 145198.

    Zhang Kai, Guo Weihua, Li Dewei, Castañeda-Ruiz Rafael F. Vanakripa chinensis sp. nov. from China and notes on the genus. Mycotaxon, 2021, 136, 545-551

    Zhou Dayou, Ni Yuehan, Yu Xiaona, Lin Kuixuan, Du Ning, Liu Lele, Guo Xiao, Guo Weihua. Trait-based adaptability of Phragmites australis to the effects of soil water and salinity in the Yellow River Delta. Ecology and Evolution, 2021, 11:11352-11361

    Zhu Pengcheng, Li Yichen, Gao Yufei, Yin Meiqi, Wu Yuxin, Liu Lele, Du Ning, Liu Jian, Yu Xiaona, Wang Lushan, Guo Weihua. Insight into the effect of nitrogen-rich substrates on the community structure and the co-occurrence network of thermophiles during lignocellulose-based composting, Bioresource Technology, 2021, 319: 124111.

    Zhu Pengcheng, Qin Huiying, Zhang Hong, Luo Yunhui, Ru Yuning, Li Jianrui, San Kim Woon, Wang Lushan, Yu Xiaona, Guo Weihua. Variations in antibiotic resistance genes and removal mechanisms induced by C/N ratio of substrate during composting. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 789, 149288.  

    Guo Xiao, Xu Zhenwei, Li Mingyan, Ren Xiaohuang, Liu Jian Guo Weihua. Increased soil moisture aggravated the competitive e ects of the invasive tree Rhus typhina on the native tree Cotinus coggygria. BMC Ecology 2020, 20: 1~13

    Zhang Kai, Guo Weihua, Heredia Gabriela, Delgado-Zúñiga José P, Ma Jian, Castañeda-Ruiz Rafael F. Anasporidesmiella gen. nov. for an atypical Sporidesmiella species and for A. manifesta sp. nov. Mycotaxon, 2020, 135: 717~725

    Zhang Kai, Guo Weihua, Sosa Daynet, Magdama Freddy, Serrano Lizette, Malosso Elaine, Li Dewei, Castaneda-Ruiz Rafael F. Phylogeny and morphology of Ellismarsporium parvum and the new combination E. varium. Mycotaxon, 2020, 135(2): 443~452.

    Zhang Qihui, Sairebieli Kulihong, Zhao Mingming, Sun Xiaohan, Wang Wei, Yu Xiaona, Du Ning, Guo Weihua, Nutrients Have a Different Impact on the Salt Tolerance of Two Coexisting Suaeda Species in the Yellow River Delta. Wetlands, 2020, 40(6): 2811~2823.

    Zhou Dayou, Guo Weihua, Li Mingyan, Eller Franziska, Zhang Cheyu, Wu Pan, Yi Shijie, Yang Shuren, Du Ning, Yu Xiaona, Guo Xiao. No Fertile Island Effects or Salt Island Effects of Tamarix chinensis on Understory Herbaceous Communities Were Found in the Coastal Area of Laizhou Bay, China Wetlands, 2020, 40: 2679~2689

    Ren Linjing, Guo Xiao, Liu Shuna, Yu Ting, Guo Weihua, Wang Renqing, Ye Siyuan, Lambertini Carla, Brix Hans, Eller Franziska. Intraspecific variation in Phragmites australis: Clinal adaption of functional traits and phenotypic plasticity vary with latitude of origin. Journal of Ecology, 2020, 108(6): 2531~2543













  • 研究领域:生态保护与修复


    1. 植物的生态分化与生物多样性维持机制;

    2. 生物资源的保护与生态适应性评价

    3. 生态系统治理与质量提升关键技术研究

  • 联系电话:0532-58630887

  • 通讯地址:青岛市即墨滨海路72号 山东老员工命科学学院N2楼

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