作者:   时间:2017-12-12  


王金星,博士生导师,57365线路检测中心官网二级岗教授,荣聘教授。享受国务院政府特殊津贴。近三十几年来一直从事无脊椎动物先天免疫研究。主持国家自然科学基金重点项目3项,面上项目、国家863和省部级等项目30余项,参加973和国家重点研发计划项目多项。以通讯作者在PNAS,PLoS Pathogens等SCI刊物发表论文120余篇。获国家发明专利8项,其中转让1项。2011年获教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖—自然科学一等奖 1项(排名第一),获山东省优秀科技工作者(2011,省人社厅,省科协)、57365线路检测中心官网优秀教师(2011,57365线路检测中心官网)和山东省突出贡献科学家(2012,省科协)等称号。


博士  1995.09-1998.06            南京师范大学          动物学

硕士  1982.02-1984.12            57365线路检测中心官网               动物学

本科  1978.02-1981.01            山东师范大学          生物学


1997.9-至今                  57365线路检测中心官网             教授

1992.09-1997.07                 57365线路检测中心官网             副教授

1987.09-1992.07                 57365线路检测中心官网             讲师

1984.12-1987.07                 57365线路检测中心官网             助教




1. 2020.1—2024.12 对虾抗病毒训练免疫及营养代谢对训练免疫的影响, 国家自然科学基金重点项目

2. 2017.012021.12 对虾体内的微生物菌群及其动态平衡调控, 国家自然科学基金重点项目

3. 2012.01—2016.12 对虾抗病毒相关基因的功能与抗病毒机理分析, 国家自然科学基金重点项目

4. 2018.12-2022.12水产动物疫病发生的分子基础与免疫机制—病原诱导的先天免疫信号通路与网络调控,国家重点研发计划“蓝色粮仓科技创新”重点专项

5. 2015.01-2018.12 清道夫受体在对虾先天免疫防御中的功能研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目



Developmental & Comparative Immunology编委

Guest Editor of Dev Comp Immunol Special Issue: Pattern recognition receptors and their roles in immunity in invertebrates, 2020. 

Guest Editor of Viruses Special Issue: State-of-the-Art Aquatic Viruses Research in China, 2022. https://www.mdpi.com/journal/viruses/special_issues/Aquatic_Virus_China

代表论文 (*通讯作者)

20. Li C, Zhang P, Hong PP, Niu GJ, Wang XP, Zhao XF, Wang JX*. White spot syndrome virus hijacks host PP2A-FOXO axes to promote its propagation. Int J Biol Macromol. 2024 Jan. 256(Pt 1):128333.

19. Shi XZ, Yang MC, Kang XL, Li YX, Hong PP, Zhao XF, Vasta GR, Wang JX*. Scavenger receptor B2, a type III membrane pattern recognition receptor, senses LPS and activates the IMD pathway in crustaceans. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 Jun 13; 120 (24): e2216574120.

18. Zhang P, Fu HJ, Lv LX, Liu CF, Han C, Zhao XF, Wang JX*. WSSV exploits AMPK to activate mTORC2 signaling for proliferation by enhancing aerobic glycolysis. Commun Biol. 2023 Apr 3;6(1):361.

17. Niu GJ, Yan M, Li C, Lu PY, Yu Z*, Wang JX*. Infection with white spot syndrome virus affects the microbiota in the stomachs and intestines of kuruma shrimp. Sci Total Environ. 2022 Sep 15; 839:156233.

16. Hong PP, Li C, Niu GJ, Zhao XF, Wang JX*. White spot syndrome virus directly activates mTORC1 signaling to facilitate its replication via polymeric immunoglobulin receptor-mediated infection in shrimp. PLoS Pathog. 2022 Sep 6;18(9): e1010808.

15. Li C, Hong PP, Yang MC, Zhao XF, Wang JX*. FOXO regulates the expression of antimicrobial peptides and promotes phagocytosis of hemocytes in shrimp antibacterial immunity. PLoS Pathog. 2021 Apr 2;17(4): e1009479.

14. Li C, Yang MC, Hong PP, Zhao XF, Wang JX*. Metabolomic profiles in the intestine of shrimp infected by white spot syndrome virus and antiviral function of the metabolite linoleic acid in shrimp. J Immunol. 2021 May 1;206(9):2075-2087.

13. Niu GJ, Wang S, Xu JD, Yang MC, Sun JJ, He ZH, Zhao XF, Wang JX*. The polymeric immunoglobulin receptor-like protein from Marsupenaeus japonicus is a receptor for white spot syndrome virus infection. PLoS Pathog. 2019 Feb 6; 15(2):e1007558.

12. Sun JJ, Lan JF, Zhao XF, Vasta GR, Wang JX*. Binding of a C-type lectin's coiled-coil domain to the Domeless receptor directly activates the JAK/STAT pathway in the shrimp immune response to bacterial infection. PLoS Pathog. 2017 Sep 20;13(9):e1006626.

11. Wang XW*, Gao J, Xu YH, Xu JD, Fan ZX, Zhao XF, Wang JX*. Novel pattern recognition receptor protects shrimp by preventing bacterial colonization and promoting phagocytosis. J. Immunol. 2017 Apr 15;198(8):3045-3057

10. Xu JD, Jiang HS, Wei TD, Zhang KY, Wang XW, Zhao XF, Wang JX*. Interaction of the small GTPase Cdc42 with arginine kinase restricts white spot syndrome virus in shrimp. J. Virol. 2017 March; 91(5):e01916-16.

This article was chosen by editors as a significant interested article: http://jvi.asm.org/content/91/5/e00017-17.full

9. Yang MC, Shi XZ, Yang HT, Sun JJ, Xu L, Wang XW, Zhao XF, Wang JX*. Scavenger receptor C mediates phagocytosis of white spot syndrome virus and restricts virus proliferation in shrimp. PLoS Pathog. 2016 Dec 27; 12(12):e1006127.

8. Sun JJ, Lan JF, Shi XZ, Yang MC, Niu GJ, Ding D, Zhao XF, Yu XQ, Wang JX* β-Arrestins negatively regulate the Toll Pathway in shrimp by preventing Dorsal translocation and inhibiting Dorsal transcriptional activity. J. Biol. Chem. 2016 Apr 1;291(14):7488-7504.

7. Wang XW, Xu YH, Xu JD, Zhao XF, Wang JX*. Collaboration between a soluble C-type lectin and calreticulin facilitates white spot syndrome virus infection in shrimp. J. Immunol. 2014 Sep 1;193(5):2106-2117.

6. Wang XW, Xu JD, Zhao XF, Vasta GR, Wang JX*. A shrimp C-type lectin inhibits proliferation of the hemolymph microbiota by maintaining the expression of antimicrobial peptides. J. Biol. Chem. 2014 Apr 25; 289(17):11779-11790.

5. Wang XW, Zhao XF, Wang JX*. C-type lectin binds to β-integrin to promote hemocytic phagocytosis in an invertebrate. J. Biol. Chem. 2014 Jan 24; 289(4):2405- 2414.

4. Lan JF, Li XC, Sun JJ, Gong J, Wang XW, Shi XZ, Shi LJ, Weng YD Zhao XF, Wang J-X* Prohibitin interacts with envelope proteins of white spot syndrome virus and prevents infection in red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii. J. Virol. 2013 Dec; 87(23):12756-12765.

3. Chen AJ, Gao L, Wang XW, Zhao XF, Wang JX*. SUMO conjugating enzyme E2 UBC9 mediates viral immediate-early protein SUMOylation in crayfish to facilitate reproduction of white spot syndrome virus. J. Virol. 2013 Jan; 87(1):636-47.

2. Chen AJ, Wang S, Zhao X-F, Yu XQ, Wang JX*. E2 enzyme from Chinese White Shrimp inhibits replication of white spot syndrome virus and ubiquitinates its RING domain proteins. J. Virol. 2011 Aug; 85(16):8069-79.

1. Wang S, Liu N, Chen AJ, Zhao XF, Wang JX*. TRBP homologue interacts with eukaryotic initiation factor 6 (eIF6) in Fenneropenaeus chinensis. J. Immunol. 2009 May 1; 182(9):5250-5258.


1. 王金星,赵小凡,克氏原鳌虾阿肽西啶抗菌肽基因及其所编码的抗菌肽与应用, 2010年 9月13日授权,专利号: ZL200810159647.3

2. 王金星,赵小凡 克氏原鳌虾i型溶菌酶及其编码的溶菌酶与应用,授权日2011年9月29日,专利号:ZL201010254793.1.

3. 王金星,赵小凡 中国明对虾泛素连接酶基因及其编码的泛素连接酶与应用 授权日2012年5月23日,专利号: ZL201010254801.2.

4. 王金星,兰江风,赵小凡 克氏原螯虾抑制素1基因及其编码的抑制素1蛋白与应用 授权日:2014年11月26日 专利号:ZL201310289986.4.

5. 王金星,石秀贞,杨明冲,维生素D3在水产养殖中的应用,授权公告日:2022年7月1日,专利号 ZL202010717750.6


1. 对虾抗细菌与抗病毒的先天免疫防御机理, 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖—自然科学一等奖(2011)。

2. 57365线路检测中心官网优秀硕士论文指导教师(2020,2023)。

3. 57365线路检测中心官网优秀博士论文指导教师(2008,2014,2018,2023)。



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