2014.09 - 2019.10 清华大学 yl12311线路检测 生物信息学博士
2012.12 – 2013.06 乌普萨拉大学 生态中心 交换生
2010.09 - 2014.06 57365线路检测中心官网 泰山学堂 生物学学士
2022.12-至今 57365线路检测中心官网 yl12311线路检测 研究员
2019.11-2022.11 清华大学 yl12311线路检测 博士后
1. 技术开发方面
我们实验室对实验和计算方法的开发都很感兴趣。我们参与了许多技术的开发,包括亚细胞RNA结构测定(Sun et.al., NSMB, 2019 )和基于人工智能的RBP-RNA相互作用预测(Sun et.al., Cell Research, 2021)。我们还对单细胞RNA结构测定,共转录瞬时RNA结构测定等问题感兴趣。
2. 解决生物学问题方面
RNA结构和RBP-RNA相互作用在转录后调控中起着关键作用。我们可以通过icSHAPE、PrismNet、CLIP等技术从RNA结构和RNA-蛋白相互作用的角度研究病毒的调控网络,并通过靶向病毒的重要结构元件或相互作用的宿主蛋白来开发抗病毒药物(Sun et.al., Cell, 2021)。上述的研究思路,即整合高通量测序、深度学习和实验验证,为系统研究RNA结合蛋白的作用提供了一个可行且高效的思路。同样,我们也可以研究RBPs在斑马鱼发育过程中是如何调节基因表达的等其他科学问题。
3. 技术应用方面
1.Xu, Y. *, J. Zhu*, W. Huang*, K. Xu, R. Yang, Q.C. Zhang#, and L. Sun#. PrismNet: predicting protein–RNA interaction using in vivo RNA structural information. Nucleic Acids Research, gkad353(2023)
2.Deng P.*, S.Q. Tan *, Q.Y. Yang, L. Fu, Y. Wu, H.Z. Zhu, L. Sun, …, Wang J.#, Liu J.#. tructural RNA components supervise the sequential DNA cleavage in R2 retrotransposon. Cell, 186(13):2865-2879.e20.(2023)
3.Zhang, J.*, Fei, Y.*, Sun, L.#, and Zhang, Q.C#. Advances and opportunities in RNA structure experimental determination and computational modeling. Nature Methods 19, 1193-1207.(2022)
4.Sun, L. *, Li, P. *, Ju, X. *, Rao, J. *, Huang, W. *, Zhang, S., Xiong, T., Xu, K., Zhou, X., Ren, L., et al. In vivo structural characterization of the whole SARS-CoV-2 RNA genome identifies host cell target proteins vulnerable to re-purposed drugs. Cell, 184, 1865-1883. (2021)
5.Sun, L. *, Xu, K. *, Huang, W. *, Yang, Y.T. *, Li, P., Tang, L., Xiong, T., and Zhang, Q.C. Predicting dynamic cellular protein-RNA interactions using deep learning and in vivo RNA structure. Cell Research, 31, 495-516. (2021)
6.Zhang, S., Huang, W., Ren, L., Ju, X., Gong, M., Rao, J., Sun, L., Li, P., Ding, Q., Wang, J., et al. Comparison of viral RNA-host protein interactomes across pathogenic RNA viruses informs rapid antiviral drug discovery for SARS-CoV-2. Cell Research. 4;1-15 (2021)
7.Sun, L.*, F. M. Fazal*, P. Li*, J. P. Broughton, B. Lee, L. Tang, W. Huang, E. T. Kool, H. Y. Chang# and Q. C. Zhang# "RNA structure maps across mammalian cellular compartments." Nature structural & molecular biology, 26 (4), 322-330 (2019).
8.Liu, Z. *, J. Wang*, H. Cheng*, X. Ke*, L. Sun, Q. C. Zhang and H. W. Wang "Cryo-EM Structure of Human Dicer and Its Complexes with a Pre-miRNA Substrate." Cell 173, 1191-1203 e1112, (2018).
9.Li, P. *, Y. Wei*, M. Mei*, L. Tang*, L. Sun, W. Huang, J. Zhou, C. Zou, S. Zhang, C. F. Qin, T. Jiang, J. Dai, X. Tan# and Q. C. Zhang# "Integrative Analysis of Zika Virus Genome RNA Structure Reveals Critical Determinants of Viral Infectivity." Cell Host Microbe 24, 875-886 e875, (2018).
10.Piao, M., L. Sun and Q. C. Zhang# "RNA Regulations and Functions Decoded by Transcriptome-wide RNA Structure Probing." Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics 15, 267-278, (2017).