作者:   时间:2019-09-29  


徐芳 教授

E-mail: fxu@sdu.edu.cn


徐芳, 博士生导师,国家高层次青年人才,山东省泰山青年学者,57365线路检测中心官网齐鲁青年学者


2009.01-2014.12  加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia, UBC,植物学,博士

2004.09-2008.06 57365线路检测中心官网,国家生命科学与技术基地班,本科


2019.05-至今 57365线路检测中心官网, 教授

2015.03-2019.05 美国冷泉港 (Cold Spring Harbor LaboratoryCSHL), 博士后

2008.07-2008.12 北京生命科学研究所, 科研助理






2019-2024: 玉米花序发育的分子机制及其育种应用, 57365线路检测中心官网“齐鲁青年学者”资助

2019-2024: 玉米抗病及发育的权衡分子机制, 山东省“泰山学者青年学者”资助

2019-2024:植物免疫与发育的分子机制研究, 国家高层次青年人才计划资助


1. Wu Q#, Xu F#, Liu L, Char SN, Ding Y, Je BI, Schmelz E, Yang B, Jackson D. The maize heterotrimeric G protein β subunit controls shoot meristem development and immune responses. PNAS, 2020, 117:1799-1805. #共同第一.

 该文章被PNAS同期突出评论“Shoot meristem maintenance and immune response signaling converge at the G protein β subunit”

2. Xu F and Jackson D. Learning from CIK plants. Nature Plants, 2018, 4:195-196.

3. Je BI#, Xu F#, Wu Q, Liu L, Meeley R, Gallagher JP, Corcilius L, Payne RJ, Bartlett ME and Jackson D. The CLAVATA receptor FASCIATED EAR2 responds to distinct CLE peptides by signaling through two downstream effectors. Elife, 2018, eLife.35673. #共同第.一作者.

4. Wu Q#, Xu F# and Jackson D. All together now, a magical mystery tour of the maize shoot meristem. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 2018, 45: 26-35. #共同第一作者.

5. Dong X#, Ao K#, Xu F#, Johnson K, Wu Y, Li L, Xia S, Liu Y, Huang Y, Rodriguez E, Chen X, Chen S, Zhang Y, Petersen M and Li X. Distinct E3 ligases regulate individual components of paired typical NLR immune receptors. Nature Plants, 2018, 4: 699-710. #共同第一作者.

6. Xu F#, Huang Y#, Li L#, Gannon P, Kapos P, Linster E, Bienvenut W, Polevoda B, Wirtz M, Meinnel T, Hell R, Giglione C, Chen S, Zhang Y and Li X. Two N-terminal acetyltransferases antagonistically control the stability of a Nod-like receptor in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 2015, 27:1-17. #共同第一作者.

 The above paper was highlighted in Nature Plant: Immunity: Antagonistic acetylases doi:10.1038/nplants.2015.84

7. Xu F, Kapos P, Li M, Zhang Y and Li X. NLR-associating transcription factor bHLH84 and its paralogs function redundantly in plant immunity. Plos Pathogens, 2014, e1004312.

8. Xu F#, Cheng YT#, Li M and Li X. P-loop-dependent NLR SNC1 can oligomerize and activate immunity in the nucleus. Molecular Plant, 2014, 7: 1801–1804. #共同第一作者.

9. Xu F, Xu S, Wiermer M, Zhang Y, Li X. (2012) The cyclin L homolog MOS12 and the MOS4-associated complex are required for the proper splicing of plant resistance genes. The Plant Journal. 70(6):916-28.

10. Xu F#, Zhu C#, Cevik V#, Johnson K, Liu Y, Sohn K, Holub E, Jones J, Liu Y, Li X. (2015). Autoimmunity conferred by chs3-2D relies on CSA1, its adjacent TIR-NB-LRR neighbor. Scientific Reports. doi:10.1038/srep08792. # 共同第一作者.

11. Xu S, Zhang Z, Jing B, Gannon P, Ding J, Xu F, Li X, Zhang Y. (2011) Transportin-SR is required for proper splicing of resistance genes and plant immunity. Plos Genetics. 7(6):e1002159.

12. Zhu Z, Xu F, Zhang Y, Cheng YT, Wiermer M, Li X, Zhang Y. (2010) Arabidopsis resistance protein SNC1 activates immune responses through association with a transcriptional corepressor. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107(31):13960-5.

13. Monaghan J, Xu F, Xu S, Zhang Y, Li X. (2010) Two putative RNA-binding proteins function with unequal genetic redundancy in the MOS4-associated complex. Plant Physiology. 154(4):1783-93.

14. Zhang Y, Xu S, Ding P, Wang D, Cheng YT, He J, Gao M, Xu F, Li Y, Zhu Z, Li X, Zhang Y. (2010) Control of salicylic acid synthesis and systemic acquired resistance by two members of a plant-specific family of transcription factors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107(42):18220-5.

15. Xu F, Monaghan J, Chen S, Zhang Y, and Li X. (2009) Analysis of MOS4-Associated protein Complex (MAC) by immuno-affinity chromatography and quantitative mass spectrometry. Chapter 84 in Biology of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Volume 7

16. Monaghan J, Xu F, Gao M, Zhao Q, Palma K, Long C, Chen S, Zhang Y, Li X. (2009) Two Prp19-like U-box proteins in the MOS4-associated complex play redundant roles in plant innate immunity. Plos Pathogen. 5(7):e1000526.

17. Gao M, Wang X, Wang D, Xu F, Ding X, Zhang Z, Bi D, Cheng YT, Chen S, Li X, Zhang Y. (2009) Regulation of cell death and innate immunity by two receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis. Cell Host Microbe. 6(1):34-44.

18. Cheng YT#, Germain H#, Wiermer M#, Bi D#, Xu F, García AV, Wirthmueller L, Després C, Parker JE, Zhang Y, Li X. (2009) Nuclear Pore Complex Component MOS7/Nup88 Is Required for Innate Immunity and Nuclear Accumulation of Defense Regulators in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 21(8):2503-16. # 共同第一作者.





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