作者:   时间:2022-03-18  


孙佳琦 教授 齐鲁青年学者






2007-2011: 本科 


2012-2018: 博士

Department of Biology, McGill University, Canada

2018-2021: 博士后

Hugo Zheng Lab, Department of Biology, McGill University, Canada




1. Sun J, Wang W, Zheng H. (2022) ROOT HAIR DEFECTIVE3 Is a Receptor for Selective Autophagy of the Endoplasmic Reticulum in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science

2. Sun J, Zhang Mi, Qi X, Doyle C and Huanquan Zheng. (2020) Armadillo-repeat kinesin1 interacts with Arabidopsis atlastin RHD3 to move ER with plus-end of microtubules. Nature Communications

3. Sun J, Movahed N, Zheng H. (2020) Lunapark is a novel E3 ligase that mediates degradation of RHD3 to maintain a tubular ER network in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell.

The Plant Cell 对做了专题评论(A Once-Hidden Endoplasmic Reticulum Matrix Reveals the Totally Tubular Function of LUNAPARKs in Plants)。

4. Sun J, Zheng, H. (2018) Efficient ER Fusion Requires a Dimerization and a C-Terminal Tail Mediated Membrane Anchoring of RHD3. Plant Physiology

这个论文在2018年获得了加拿大植物学会颁发的年度最佳论文奖(Ragai Ibrahim Award)。

5. Movahed N, Sun J, Vali H, Laliberté JF, Zheng H. (2019) A Host ER Fusogen Is Recruited by Turnip Mosaic Virus for Maturation of Viral Replication Vesicles. Plant Physiology

6. Qi, X, Sun, J, Zheng, H. (2016) A GTPase-Dependent Fine ER Is Required for Localized Secretion in Polarized Growth of Root Hairs. Plant Physiology

7. Movahed N, Patarroyo C, Sun J, Vali H, Laliberté JF, Zheng H. (2017) Cylindrical Inclusion Protein of Turnip Mosaic Virus Serves as a Docking Point for the Intercellular Movement of Viral Replication Vesicles. Plant Physiology


Ragai Ibrahim Award (2018): 加拿大年度最佳员工论文



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