作者:   时间:2023-12-25  

李爱霞 副研究员











1. 高粱抗病功能基因的发掘及分子机制研究

2. 高粱基因编辑与分子设计育种






1.Junpeng Li , Wenbo Pan, Shuai Zhang, Guojing Ma, Aixia Li, Huawei Zhang,* and Lijing Liu*. A rapid and highly efficient sorghum transformation strategy using GRF4-GIF1/ternary vector system. The Plant Journal. 2023, doi: 10.1111/tpj.16575.

2.J. Preston HurstAbou YobiAixia LiShirley SatoThomas E. Clemente, Ruthie Angelovici, and David R. Holding*. Large and stable genome edits at the sorghum alpha kafirin locus result in changes in chromatin accessibility and globally increased expression of genes encoding lysine enrichment. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2023, 14:1116886.

3.Aixia Li*, Xue Sun, Lijing Liu*. Action of Salicylic Acid on Plant Growth. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022, 13: 878076.

4.Xue Sun, Aixia Li, Guojing Ma, Shuangyi Zhao, Lijing Liu*. Transcriptome analysis provides insights into the bases of salicylic acid-induced resistance to anthracnose in sorghum. Plant Molecular Biology. 2022, 110:69-80. 

5.Xiangxiang Meng#, Aixia Li# , Bin Yu* , Shengjun Li*. Interplay between miRNAs and lncRNAs: Mode of action and biological roles in plant development and stress adaptation. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 2021, 19:2567-2574.

6.Aixia Li, David R. Holding*. Genome editing of sorghum. Ch 14, In ‘Gene editing for precision crop breeding’, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. 2021, p377-402.

7.Aixia Li, Shangang Jia, Abou Yobi, Zhengxiang Ge, Shirley J. Sato, Chi Zhang, Ruthie Angelovici, Thomas E. Clemente, David R. Holding*. Editing of an Alpha-Kafirin Gene Family Increases Digestibility and Protein Quality in Sorghum. Plant Physiology. 2018, 177: 1425-1438.

8.Shengjun Li#, Ran Xu#, Aixia Li#, Kan Liu, Liqing Gu, Mu Li, Hairui Zhang, Yueying Zhang, Shangshang Zhuang, Quanhui Wang, Gang Gao, Na Li, Chi Zhang, Yunhai Li*, Bin Yu* . SMA1, a homolog of the splicing factor Prp28, has a multifaceted role in miRNA biogenesis in Arabidopsis, Nucleic Acids Research. 2018, 46: 9148-9159.

9.Paridhi Gulati, Aixia Li, David R. Holding, Dipak Santra, Yue Zhang, Devin J. Rose*. Heating Reduces Proso Millet Protein Digestibility via Formation of Hydrophobic Aggregates. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2017, 65: 1952–1959.

10.Shangang Jia, Aixia Li, Kyla Morton, Penny Avoles-Kianian, Shahryar F.Kianian, Chi Zhang, David R. Holding*. A Population of Deletion Mutants and an Integrated Mapping and Exome-seq Pipeline for Gene Discovery in Maize. G3-Genes Genomes Genetics. 2016, 6:2385-2395.

11.Aixia Li# , Wenlong Yang# , Xueyuan Lou, Dongcheng Liu, Jiazhu Sun, Xiaoli Guo, Jing Wang, Yiwen Li, Kehui Zhan, Hong‐Qing Ling, Aimin Zhang*. Novel Natural Allelic Variations at the Rht‐1 Loci in Wheat, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2013, 55(11): 1026-1037.

12. Aixia Li#, Wenlong Yang#, Shengjun Li, Dongcheng Liu, Xiaoli Guo, Jiazhu Sun, Aimin Zhang*. Molecular characterization of three GIBBERELLIN-INSENSITIVE DWARF1 homologous genes in hexaploid wheat, Journal of Plant Physiology. 2013, 170: 432-443.   

13. Aixia Li#, Wenlong Yang#, Xiaoli Guo, Dongcheng Liu, Jiazhu Sun, Aimin Zhang*. Isolation of a gibberellin-insensitive dwarfing gene, Rht-B1e, and development of an allele-specific PCR marker, Molecular Breeding. 2012, 30: 1443-1451. 

14. 李爱霞, 亓增军, 裴自友,庄丽芳, 冯祎高, 王秀娥. 普通小麦辉县红-荆州黑麦异染色体系的选育及其梭条花叶病抗性鉴定.作物学报. 2007, 4:639-645. 

15. 裴自友, 李爱霞, 庄丽芳,亓增军, 刘大钧。黑粒小麦漯珍1号的C-分带及GISH和PAGE分析。麦类作物学报。2005, 25(4):15-18。



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