作者:   时间:2024-02-23  

王美 副教授、博士生导师




2003.9-2009.7 中科院遗传发育所 理学博士

2000.9-2003.7 山东农业大学 农学硕士

1996.9-2000.7 山东农业大学 农学学士


2015.9-今 57365线路检测中心官网 副教授 

2015.3-2016.8 韩国浦项科技大学(POSTECH)访问学者

2009.7-2015.8 57365线路检测中心官网 讲师 


1. 克隆植物非生物胁迫响应的囊泡转运相关基因,研究其调控植物组织形成,蛋白质降解,亚细胞组分定位的维持及分子在这些细胞器内转运的细胞及分子机理。

2. 鉴定植物膜型转录因子,寻找其蛋白切割进核的逆境或激素信号,探索植物的逆境适应机制。

3. 分离植物干旱胁迫相关基因,通过研究其气孔运动与离子通道活性,揭示这些基因在植物干旱逆境调控中的作用机制。


1. 2024.1-2026.1 丝裂原活化蛋白激酶 HTS 调控玉米耐热、抗旱性的分子基础  山东省自然科学基金面上项目

2. 2018.1-2021.12   小麦SIMILAR TO RCD-ONE基因调控氧化胁迫逆境响应的作用机制研究  国家自然科学基金面上项目 

3. 2015.1-2018.12  小麦膜结合转录因子NTL1负调控盐胁迫响应的分子机理研究 国家自然科学基金面上项目 

4. 2011.1-2013.12  水稻茎秆扭曲控制基因RO1的克隆及功能研究  国家自然科学基金青年项目 

5. 2013.1-2015.12  小麦渐渗系CBFB类转录因子TaNF-YA27的耐盐机制研究  山东省中青年科学家奖励基金项目  

6. 2010.1-2011.12   保卫细胞抗旱信号转导新基因的鉴定及功能研究  山东省博士后创新基金项目 

7. 2010.1-2012.12   小麦盐胁迫响应基因TaCRK1的克隆及功能研究  57365线路检测中心官网自主创新基金 


1. Min Zhao, Mengdan Li, Meng Huang, Chaochao Liang, Donghua Chen, Inhwan Hwang, Wei Zhang, Mei Wang*. The cysteine-rich receptor-like kinase CRK4 contributes to the different drought stress response between Columbia and Landsberg erecta. Plant Cell& Environment, 2023, 46(11): 3258-3272.

2. Mei Wang­1, Meng Wang1, Min Zhao, Mengcheng Wang, Shupeng Liu, Yanchen Tian, Byeongho Moon, Chaochao Liang, Chunlong Li, Weiming Shi, Ming-Yi Bai, Shuwei Liu, Wei Zhang, Inhwan Hwang, and Guangmin Xia*. TaSRO1 plays a dual-role in suppressing TaSIP1 to fine tune mitochondrial retrograde signaling and enhance salinity stress tolerance. New Phytologist, 2022, 236 (2): 495-511.

3. Chaochao Liang, Chunlong Li, Jing Wu, Min Zhao, Donghua Chen, Cuimei Liu, Jinfang Chu, Wei Zhang, Inhwan Hwang, Mei Wang*. SORTING NEXIN2 Proteins Mediate Stomatal Movement and Response to Drought Stress by Regulating Trafficking and Protein Levels of the ABA Exporter ABCG25. Plant Journal, 2022, 110: 1603-1618.

4. Donghua Chen1, Lilong He1, Minyan Lin, Ying Jing, Chaochao Liang, Huiping Liu, Jianwei Gao, Wei Zhang, Mei Wang*. A Ras-related small GTP-binding protein, RabE1c, regulates stomatal movements and drought stress responses by mediating the interaction with ABA receptors. Plant Science, 2021, 306: 110858. doi:10.1016/j.plantsci.2021.110858.

5. Xuan-shan Liu, Chao-chao Liang, Shu-guo Hou, Xin Wang, Dong-hua Chen, Jian-lin Shen, Wei Zhang*, Mei Wang*. The LRR-RLK protein HSL3 regulates stomatal closure and the drought stress response by modulating hydrogen peroxide homeostasis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 11: 548034. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.548034.

6. Mei Wang1, Juhun Lee1, Bongsoo Choi, Youngmin Park, Hee-Jung Sim, Hyeran Kim, Inhwan Hwang*. Physiological and molecular processes associated with long duration of ABA treatment. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: 176. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00176.

7. Donghua Chen1, Jing Wu1, Min Zhao, Xiaoyan Ma, Wei Zhang, Guangmin Xia, Mei Wang*. A novel wheat cysteine-rich receptor-like kinase gene CRK41 is involved in the regulation of seed germination under osmotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Plant Biology, 2017, 60 (6): 571-581.

8. Chunlong Li1, Mei Wang1, Xiaomeng Wu, Donghua Chen, HongjunLv, Jianlin Shen, Zhu Qiao, Wei Zhang*. THI1, athiazole biosynthetic enzyme, functions in S-Type Anion Channels and Stomatal Closure by repressing the kinase activity of Ca2+-dependent protein kinase CPK33 in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 2016, 170 (2): 1090-1104.

9. Xiaoyan Ma, Zhu Qiao, Donghua Chen, Weiguo Yang, Ruijia Zhou, Wei Zhang, Mei Wang*.CYCLIN-DEPENDENT KINASE G2 Regulates Salinity Stress Response and Salt Mediated Flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Molecular Biology, 2015, 88 (3): 287-99.

10. Xiaoyan Ma, Xinlei Zhu, Chunlong Li, Yinling Song, Wei Zhang, Guangmin Xia, Mei Wang*. Overexpression of wheat NF-YA10 gene regulates the salinity stress response in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2015, 86: 34-43.

11. Xiaoyan Ma, Chunlong Li, Mei Wang*. Wheat NF-YA10 functions independently in salinity and drought stress. Bioengineered, 2015, 6 (4): 245-7.

12. Shuantao Liu1, Shuwei Liu1, Mei Wang1, Tiandi Wei, Chen Meng, Meng Wang,and Guangmin Xia*. A Wheat SRO GeneEnhances Seedling Growth and Abiotic Stress Resistance via Modulating Redox Homeostasis and Maintaining Genomic Integrity. Plant Cell, 2014, 26: 164-180.

13. Chunlong Li1, Mei Wang1, Xiaoyan Ma, and Wei Zhang*. NRGA1 (Negative Regulator of Guard Cell ABA Signaling 1), a Putative Mitochondrial Pyruvate Carrier, Mediates ABA Regulation of Guard Cell Ion Channels and Drought Stress Responses in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Plant, 2014, 7: 1508-1521.

14. Donghua Chen, Xiaoyan Ma, Wei Zhang, Guangmin Xia, Mei Wang*. A wheat aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase gene, TaACO1, negatively regulates salinity stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Reports, 2014, 33: 1815-1827.

15. Mei Wang, Xiaoyan Ma, JianlinShen, Chunlong Li, Wei Zhang*. The ongoing story: the mitochondria pyruvate carrier 1 in plant stress response in Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling &Behavior, 2014, 9(10): e973810.



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